Syllabus Edition

First teaching 2014

Last exams 2024


Specific Immune Response (DP IB Biology: HL)

Revision Note






Specific Immune Response

  • T-Helper cells (a type of lymphocyte that responds to specific antigens) and mature B cells (another type of lymphocyte) have specific receptors located on their cell surface membranes
    • These receptors have a similar structure to antibodies and are each specific to one antigen
    • Note that lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell involved in the specific immune response; there are several different types of lymphocyte
  • When phagocytes engulf pathogens, they present the pathogen antigens on their own cell surface membrane
    • A cell with non-self antigens on its surface membrane is known as an antigen presenting cell
  • The T-helper cell with the complementary receptor proteins to the antigen will bind to the antigen and become activated by the phagocyte
  • Activated T-helper cells then bind with complementary receptors on the surface membrane of specific B-lymphocytes
  • On binding, the T-helper cells releases signalling proteins and activate these B-cells


Antigens activate complementary T-helper cells which go on to activate complementary B-cells

Plasma Cells

  • During an immune response, B-lymphocytes mature to form two types of cell: plasma cells and memory cells
  • Plasma cells produce large volumes of antibodies specific to the single type of antigen that triggered the immune response
  • The cells are specialised with large amounts of rough endoplasmic reticulum which promotes protein synthesis to make the required antibodies
  • As B-cells only produce one type of antibody, only a small proportion of the genes are expressed in the nucleus

Clonal Selection & Expansion

  • Clonal selection involves identifying and activating a B-cell with the complementary receptor to the target antigen
  • Clonal expansion can then occur
    • The activated B-cell divides by mitosis to create many clones of itself
      • Each clone will produce the exact same antibody, complementary to the target antigen
  • Some of these mature B-lymphocytes differentiate into plasma cells 
  • The other B-lymphocytes become memory cells that  remain and circulate in the blood
    • Whilst the antibodies produced by the plasma cells are only present for a matter of weeks or months, memory cells form the basis of immunological memory – the cells can last for many years and often a lifetime

The primary and secondary immune response

    • A primary immune response occurs in response to a newly encountered antigen
      • This is a relatively slow response as the immune system takes time identifying the complementary antibody for each new antigen it encounters
      • The infection may result in symptoms being presented whilst the immune system identifies and manufactures the correct antibodies
    • Secondary immune response in response to a previously encountered antigen
      • The memory cells with the correct antibody, are already circulating in the blood so the response is more rapid, producing more antibodies than the primary response, in a much shorter time frame
      • Symptoms do not develop as the pathogen can be destroyed before significant cell damage occurs

The function of B-lymphocytes during a primary and secondary immune response (1)_1, downloadable AS & A Level Biology revision notesThe function of B-lymphocytes during a primary and secondary immune response (2)_1

During a secondary immune response, memory cells that remained in the blood divide very quickly into plasma cells (to produce antibodies) and more memory cells.  Whereas a primary response occurs much more slowly.

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Author: Ruth

Ruth graduated from Sheffield University with a degree in Biology and went on to teach Science in London whilst also completing an MA in innovation in Education. She gained 10 years of teaching experience across the 3 key science disciplines and physical education. Ruth decided to set up a tutoring business to support students in her local area. Ruth has worked with several exam boards and loves to use her experience to produce educational materials which make the mark schemes accessible to all students.