Syllabus Edition

First teaching 2014

Last exams 2024


Structure Identification Problems (DP IB Chemistry: HL)

Revision Note





Chemistry Lead

Structure Identification Problems

  • The chemists' toolkit includes a range of analytical techniques that enable the structure of compounds to be deduced

Summary table of analytical techniques



  • These techniques are rarely used in isolation, but together provide corroborating evidence for elucidating chemical information on newly discovered or synthetic compounds
  • Problem solving typically involves taking multiple pieces of spectroscopic data about the same unknown compound and coming up with a likely structure

Worked example

An unknown compound, X, of molecular formula,C4H8O, has the following MS, IR and 1H NMR spectra.


MS of X


IR spectrum of X


1H NMR spectrum of X

Deduce the structure of X using the information given and any other additional information in the Data booklet. For each spectrum assign as much spectroscopic information as possible.


Mass Spectrum

    • The molecular ion peak is at m/z = 72, which corresponds to the relative molecular mass of C4H8O

Mr = (12 × 4) + (8 × 1) +(16) = 72

    • The large peak at  m/z = 43 could correspond to CH3CH2CH2+ or CH3CO+ indicating the loss of CH4O or C2H5 from X, that is (Mr - 43)
    • The peak at  m/z = 29 could correspond to CH3CH2+  indicating the loss of C2H3O from X, that is (Mr - 29)

IR Spectrum

    • There is a strong absorption in the range 1700-1750 cm-1 which corresponds to C=O, based on Section 26 of the Data book
    • This suggests an aldehyde or ketone is present (it cannot be an ester or carboxylic acid as only one oxygen is in the formula)

1H NMR Spectrum

    • The 1H NMR spectrum shows three protons environments
    • The peak around chemical shift 1.0 ppm could correspond to a proton on the end of a chain, -CH3
    • The peaks around chemical shift 2.2 - 2.7 ppm could correspond to a proton next to a carbonyl group RCH2CO-
    • The peak splitting is a quartet, singlet and triplet
    • A quartet and triplet in the same spectrum usually corresponds to an ethyl group, CH3CH2, following the n+1 rule
    • The singlet indicates an isolated proton environment

Putting the information together the structure of X is


The structure of X is butanone

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Author: Stewart

Stewart has been an enthusiastic GCSE, IGCSE, A Level and IB teacher for more than 30 years in the UK as well as overseas, and has also been an examiner for IB and A Level. As a long-standing Head of Science, Stewart brings a wealth of experience to creating Topic Questions and revision materials for Save My Exams. Stewart specialises in Chemistry, but has also taught Physics and Environmental Systems and Societies.