Clinical Bias in Diagnosis
- Bias is present when an attitude/viewpoint/opinion is directed towards what should be a universally agreed or accepted way of dealing with a subject or with a person or group of people
- Bias prevents impartiality, neutrality and objectivity being applied e.g. to the depiction of social or cultural groups in the media; to the perception of some social or cultural groups in terms of their intelligence, ability or skills; to the diagnosing of some social or cultural groups depending on whom is responsible for the diagnosis
- Clinical bias in diagnosis occurs when the diagnosing clinician allows their own prejudice, discrimination or political views to influence the diagnostic procedure
- Clinical bias may occur at both the conscious and the unconscious level i.e. the clinician may be fully aware of their bias or they may be oblivious to it
- One negative consequence of clinical bias in mental health diagnosis is that a patient may not be heard properly, their symptoms may be dismissed or ignored which in turn may lead them to think that they are ‘making a fuss’ or that their symptoms are nothing to be concerned about
- Another negative consequence of clinical bias in diagnosis is that the wrong treatment or no treatment at all may be diagnosed which could have devastating consequences for the patient
- The medical model (as adhered to by many clinicians in Westernised, individualistic cultures) may be implicated in perpetuating clinical biases, particularly gender bias and culture bias
Clinical diagnosis should not be at the mercy of any sort of bias.
Exam Tip
To elevate your critical thinking in a question on clinical bias in diagnosis remember to acknowledge that it is almost impossible for any human being to be completely free of bias - regardless of their occupation, personality, status. The process of enculturation for example, is likely to instil certain biases into the members of that culture so it is advisable to recognise that even the most objective and impartial person may experience bias at an unconscious level which is beyond their control. Do try to work points like this (in the previous sentence) into your exam response to elevate your Critical Thinking.