Electric Charge
- Charge is the property of matter responsible for the electric force
- The unit of charge is the coulomb (C), where one coulomb is defined as:
The charge carried by an electric current of one ampere in one second
- Charge is a scalar quantity
Quantisation of Charge
- Matter is made up of atoms
- Electrons have a negative charge
- Protons have a positive charge
- Neutrons are neutral (no charge)
The number of negative electrons in an atom balances the number of positive protons
- Most everyday objects are neutral (zero charge) because they contain atoms with equal numbers of protons and electrons
- This is because protons and electrons both have a magnitude of charge equal to the elementary charge
- An object can become charged when it obtains an excess of protons or electrons
- The quantity of charge will always equal a whole number of protons or electrons
- Therefore, charge is quantised
Direction of Electric Forces
- When two charges are close together, they exert a force on each other, this could be:
- Attractive (the objects get closer together)
- Repulsive (the objects move further apart)
Opposite charges attract, like charges repel
- Whether two objects attract or repel depends on their charge
- If the charges are the opposite, they will attract
- If the charges are the same, they will repel
Attraction or Repulsion Summary Table
Exam Tip
Remember the saying: “Opposites attract”.