Hooke's Law
- When a force is applied to each end of a spring, it stretches
- This phenomenon occurs for any material with elasticity, such as a wire or a bungee rope
- A material obeys Hooke’s Law if:
The extension of the material is directly proportional to the applied force (load) up to the limit of proportionality
- This linear relationship is represented by the Hooke’s law equation:
- Where:
- FH = elastic restoring force (N)
- k = spring constant (N m–1)
- x = extension (m)
- The spring constant, k is a property of the material being stretched and measures the stiffness of a material
- The larger the spring constant, the stiffer the material
- Hooke's Law applies to both extensions and compressions:
- The extension of an object is determined by how much it has increased in length
- The compression of an object is determined by how much it has decreased in length
- The extension x is the difference between the unstretched and stretched length
extension = stretched length − unstretched length
Stretching a spring with a load produces a force that leads to an extension
Force–Extension Graphs
- The way a material responds to a given force can be shown on a force-extension graph
- Every material will have a unique force-extension graph depending on how brittle or ductile it is
- A material may obey Hooke's Law up to a point
- This is shown on its force-extension graph by a straight line through the origin
- As more force is added, the graph starts to curve slightly as Hooke's law no longer applies
The Hooke's Law region of a force-extension graph is a straight line. The spring constant is the gradient of that region
- The gradient of the linear portion of this graph is equal to the spring constant k
Worked example
A spring was stretched with increasing load.
The graph of the results is shown below.
Determine the spring constant.
Exam Tip
Always double check the axes before finding the spring constant as the gradient of a force-extension graph.
Exam questions often swap the force (or load) onto the x-axis and extension (or length) on the y-axis. In this case, the gradient is not the spring constant, it is instead.
Make sure that you put the extension of the object into the equation for x and not just the length.